Taking it to Work:

Church on Sunday . . . work on Monday. What is the difference between those two days? In God’s eyes -absolutely nothing, but in our eyes, we often separate the two as being very different. Sunday is held sacred, but Monday is something far less sacred than Sunday, and sometimes our attitudes, words and actions reflect that artificial separation.

Now Sunday is a day of worship and rest for Christians, set aside for church and family, and it has been for the many centuries since, “Resurrection Sunday,” close to two thousand years ago. The rest of the week, the other six days, for those same centuries, was dedicated to work, unless you were Jewish and still rested on Saturday.

The fact is though, biblically, every day is to be dedicated to our Lord, who gives us each of them. Sunday is not a day to practice being holy, it is a day we all come together to build each other back up from a week of trying to be holy in a world that is not so holy. A week of trying to reflect His light in our workplace; a week of trying to be that Godly father or mother, with those sometimes ungodly kids. A week of trying to live out the faith, every day, that we hear and profess on Sunday. Worklife, and for many of us, a very tough homelife, is where the rubber really hits the road; where our Sunday faith, either gets Monday traction, or gets crushed in the Monday struggles, situations and distraction.

So, what is the the Word saying to us today? Sunday prayer? Yes, but Monday prayer , , , and Tuesday . . . and Wednesday!

As a believer in Jesus, all of our life, and all our days, not only comes under His Lordship, but it comes with the wonderful realization that He is with us. In the workplace, He is there amidst the stress, budgets, and the politics, and He is in our homes, amidst the bills, the teens, and all our personal struggles. We are reminded today that He never leaves us, Monday through Sunday, and is only a prayer away, at your desk or at the dinner table, as His Word, works in your life, today.

Psalm 118:24 (ESV) – This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Exodus 20:8 (ESV) – Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (ESV) – Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Jer 29:12 (ESV) – Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.

Listening to the Holy Spirit:

I am with you always. There is no divide between worship and work, no day more holy than another. Do not separate what I call to be one. Your faith is to be spoken in life, My voice heard beyond the pews. I am with you and will speak life into the days of toil and rest. My voice echoes in the Spirit placed within you, very near to things in which you believe are very far from My care. It is not so; I am as close to your life as your life is to you. There is no separation of your life from the life I have re-birthed in you. All you do is of your new heart. Do not hide your faith at work. Call to me and I will answer in the everyday. Learn My voice in My Holy Word and in the whispering of My Spirit who speaks always the will of the Father. Do not forsake the great privilege – to speak and listen. I hear your voice, and I Am near to all who call on My Name. I will help you with your work, that you would walk your way dedicated to My will, flowing living water into the dry places of your labor.

His Word at Work

Connecting Sunday to Monday!


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