Taking It to Work:
Do you ever notice how we are very quick to make excuses for our own bad behavior, but tend to judge others harshly for theirs? Inside we have reasons and justifications for our situation, but others, well, there is “no excuse” for their behavior, they are just selfish or unprofessional, or both.
We may have lost our temper or patience yesterday, but it was because we didn’t get to bed in time last night, and hadn’t had our second cup of coffee yet. Oh, and when we didn’t make that important deadline, it was due to the customer being so slow to get back to us, and when they did call back we were already off to an afternoon dentist appointment.
Now judging someone else from the outside, things can be all together different. That guy, in the same situation we just described, we judge as impatient, short-tempered, and irresponsible to boot…missing the deadline that we gave him plenty of time to make. Where was he all afternoon anyway? Great time to disappear!
As bad as that sounds, most of us do that, even if only mentally.
Just like us, those around us are dealing with life. They are flawed people trying to make it in a flawed world. They have personal challenges, complex lives, and some are not going very well. They have situations and weaknesses, just like we have, or sometimes much, much worse. We might be shocked if we knew.
Here we are as Christ-followers, with the help of the Holy Spirit, and we still have silent struggles with things we’re not proud of, that we wish we could change. Well, they do too, and many are non-Christians trying to deal with them without the Holy Spirit. Who knows how long they have been trying to change.
Be careful not to respond in judgment, or to the angry with anger, or the cold and silent with silence, but rather reach out to lift them the best that you can. This is part of our calling in the workplace. Show grace, as you have been shown grace, and forgiveness in the same measure you were forgiven yourself, as His Word works through you, today.
Phil 2:3-4 (ESV) – “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”
Gal 6:2 (ESV) – “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”
Eph 4:32 (ESV) – Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.
Listening to the Holy Spirit
All who enter are weary of life. Difficulty and challenge bring all men to their worst estate. Do you judge them, or give them excuse? Do you hold a grudge where your similar response you would justify. Each one I bring you, that you would aid and lift. Even the smile of a stranger lifts the downhearted. You carry My torch into their darkness. You bring hope to the hopeless who know not the comfort of My Name. Remember they too are My creation. Struggles of sin and weakness plague even those with high position. Bring the light that guides you. Shine on them as you would want when the dim shadows of anxiety attack, when weights unbearable rest on your head. Forgive their response to pain, that yours also would be forgiven. Bring to them peace and hope, and do not respond as those who know no hope. Rejoice for you are not in the shoes of he who sits alone. Take pity that the warmth of My love would be your greeting.
1 Comment
Cyber Brust · July 18, 2024 at 4:25 am
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