Taking It to Work:

Our relationship with an all-knowing God gives us access to His great, counseling Spirit. There is no problem too hard in our life, including our work life, that He can’t help us with. We have been taught that, right? He is the Lord of our life, and much of our life is spent in the workplace.

We have heard it many times at church, and have read it in scripture, “Come to Me”, yet how often do we really ask for help, upfront, before we’re stuck – especially at work? Most all of us, even at home, only turn to God when we have already tried everything we can think of, when we are at the end of our rope, at the end of our own wisdom.

Why do we wait so long? Here’s a thought. Maybe we are too confident in ourselves and our own logic and experience, or maybe we don’t have confidence enough that God will hear us, let alone answer, or maybe we feel that the problem is too small or removed of an issue in which to bother Him. Maybe all of the above.

I remember working on a design issue with another engineer friend of mine years ago. For six weeks plus we scratched for concepts that might work, getting more and more complex with each iteration. After we both realized we were just spinning our wheels, in frustration I turned to God . . . something that was rare for me back then in the workplace. I decided to ask the Lord to solve not a personal problem, but a technical one. After all, He is the Creator of all things right?

I am not kidding, in fifteen minutes, most of which was me trying to absorb His very simple concept, as opposed to the much more elaborate solutions that we were coming up with, I thought, “Could that work?” Yes, in fifteen minutes we had our answer, and it is still working today, over fourteen years later. Now I must admit, He doesn’t make it that easy every time. But the truth is, we often struggle way too long when we don’t have to. We have a God who listens, and one that answers. Ask for His ideas, and when He gives you one, even a technical one, make sure you give Him the credit, as His Word and wisdom, work through you, today.

Daniel 2:19 (ESV) – Then the mystery was revealed to Daniel in a vision of the night. Then Daniel blessed the God of heaven.
Jer 3:33 (ESV) – Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.
John 4:26 (ESV) – But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you
Matt 11:28 (ESV) – Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Listening to the Holy Spirit (Rhema):

Often you struggle with direction, a solution to the issue of the day. You labor in vain that you would find the answer, but you do not receive because you do not ask. I Am with you. I walk beside you in the questions. My Spirit speaks answers you do not hear. In the still, to a small voice you must listen. You have heard Me before, in ideas not your own, taken for your own, but taken in error, for the origin was My own. Often I give you wisdom, and peace then ensues – turning away from the Voice that whispered, the genius taken for yourself. Slow, that you would know when My Spirit speaks. My counsel is always with you. Seek Me, ask of Me, and bow silently, for I Am with you and lead the way. Know My voice, and give thanks when you receive.

His Word at Work

Connecting Sunday to Monday!


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