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March 28th -Fearless
Taking It to Work: When I was a kid, one of my favorite heros was a cool-headed swashbuckler named Zorro. He had a mask, a mustache, a sweet sword, and an incredible ability to stay cool under pressure. So much so, that when he would get into the climatic sword […]
March 27th – Do They Know You?
Taking It to Work: In many ways others are introduced to our God, not through church, or even scripture, but their first introduction is by seeing His reflection and His work, in us. What that means is that everywhere we go, everyone we meet, including at work, we are introducing […]
March 26th – Enlightened
Taking It to Work: If you are a true follower of Jesus, you have a source of light in you that is beyond any of this earth. We don’t stop much to contemplate the fact that we were created and redeemed by God to shine His light, bring hope to […]