Taking It to Work:

There is a common false teaching out there that says that God will never bring calamity or hardship in your life. It only takes a little bible study to know that this teaching is wrong, just like we would all agree that a father should teach and discipline his children when they need it. It follows logically, and very scripturally, that the Perfect Father would not neglect teaching us, and disciplining us, when we step over the line.

We are all prone, both Christian and non-Christian, to follow our own way, blaze our own path, and make our own rules. It is part of the Christian journey to eventually abandon our independent ways, thoughts and actions, that please more the animal side of us, and replace them with the ways, thoughts and actions that please God, which display the growing Godly side of us.

When we do this well, we have all experienced times when we felt secure, and in step with the Lord. Yet, there are other times where we were not sure God was even present. Many of those insecure times were also times when we knew we were doing something against His better will. When we find ourselves repeatedly struggling with life, feeling unprotected, vulnerable, insecure and distant from God . . . it may be He is allowing struggles designed to bring us back to Him and get us back on the right track. It is not always the case, but often, maybe more often that we care to believe, it is the case.

Pray that you would know His heart on the matter, whether your struggles are in the workplace, at home, or both. There may be another reason for the hardships; that happens too. But if the Holy Spirit convicts you that it is His hand of discipline, don’t blame others, don’t blame circumstances, or a mindless karma; learn from the mistake, acknowledge His loving discipline, repent and adjust. The sooner you get back in step with Him, the better, as His Word works in you, today.

Prv 3:11-12 (ESV) -My son, do not despise the LORD’s discipline
    or be weary of his reproof, for the LORD reproves him whom he loves, as a father the son in whom he delights.
Hebrews 12:11-14 (ESV) – For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it. Therefore lift your drooping hands and strengthen your weak knees, and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be put out of joint but rather be healed.
Revelation 3:19 (ESV) – Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline, so be zealous and repent.

Listening to the Holy Spirit (Rhema):

The protection of My beloved is without limit. Situation holds no power. I do not slumber and My hand is not late. Struggle and blessing are of My commencement. False is the notion of the uncontrolled. My eye sees all, and the bounds of an angry sea are Mine to draw. I am God of protection, a mighty fortress, but also He who teaches the wayward, and afflicts in wisdom the earth. My judgment is perfect – of men and also of each. Catastrophes of nations and the struggles of a child, all are in My sovereign will. Faith bows to the will of He who knows the sovereign way, that is confused not, and balances the pain and provision of the earth. There is great protection in obedience, for love for the Father covers a multitude of sin, but he who runs unbridled in the ways of the wicked, his fate is laid bare to the enemy of his soul. This in his heart he knows, but still he runs, facing not the light. Followers of My Name, to them the pain is deeper, for not only is protection forsaken, but shame rots the spirit and bones. Until repentance, the suffering is greater by My hand, that the soul would return to his Redeemer. My grace waits for the repentant and the return of the prideful heart, even among My own, is abscess without pain. All suffering is of sin. Return to the fortress that I AM. Forsake that which is evil, known already to you by My Spirit, that you would again have peace in My protection.