The young tree does not produce, for the keeper of the orchard removes the flower. Too soon a heavy crop, and the bough is damaged without repair. The keeper knows the proper season in the proper year. Do not grow impatient for what will be given. Abide in My Word. Be steadfast in the righteousness of royalty adopted. Do good in the Name that has saved you, and in due time the bloom will become the crop. Compare not yourself against those grown for differing fruit. Some are given for great number, others, that the few will be cherished. Some give a bitter crop, others a few of great sweetness. Be patient in obedience, and in the season, you will bear as He who planted and who has already counted with great joy, your fruit.

Galatians 6:9 (ESV) – And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

Bottom Line: Having patience with our growth and maturation can be difficult. We may feel that if we would just be given the chance, we could really show the world what we are made of.  We push for the promotion, the new title and responsibility, but sometimes the boss knows better; we are not ready for it yet. In God’s economy it can be much the same. We want to be fruitful and feel good that we are giving back to God because He has done so much for us. Sometimes we have to be patient here as well. He knows the strength of our branches better than we do. Trust in His timing, remain obedient, and be ready.