Taking It to Work:

In this world of F-bombs and uncensored speech, I am continually shocked of what rolls out of people’s mouths. Even women, who are supposed to be the more refined of sexes. I don’t know how it has gone downhill so quickly. It was just one lifetime ago when, “Gone with the Wind,” created such a stir with the introduction of profanity into the cinemas. A very mild word compared to what’s blasted out by some grade-schoolers today.

What happened? Well I’m not sure of all the strings the enemy pulled to get the culture to fall so far, but I can tell you a big part of it — entertainment. Using the vehicle of entertainment, Satan has carried camouflaged in a Hollywood story, some of the most degenerate, perverse, and God-dishonoring expressions that exists in the English language. He carried them right into our minds of our culture . And then in converse, screenwriters will purposely write into the script to use the name of Jesus or Jesus Christ as an expression of surprise, disappointment, or disgust. So, in just a few generations, we’ve fallen from a pretty proper and respectable culture, in general, to one that is very hard to respect.

What was once only murmured by drunken sailors and the lowest classes of people, is now fully rooted into not only the workplace, but into the professional workplace. I remember how just utterly shocked I was twenty years ago when a doctor, who most of us hold in high regard, gave me his medical opinion of the severity of my injury with the f-word as an adverb. I don’t think I have ever lost respect for someone so quickly.

Jesus said that it is out of the abundance of our heart that the mouth speaks. Our words count. They show the world who we are. Our words show us who we are. They don’t have to be four letters either; slander, ridicule, vulgar jokes or even hurtful thoughts that we freely express, are also a looking glass into our true spiritual state.

Scripture reminds us that we are to choose our words carefully. If we say that we are Christians, but our speech shows us to be hypocrites, Jesus said that’s going to come back and bite us. Paul says we are to take every ungodly thought captive, and certainly not to give those thoughts life in speech or action. Even letting them live within our minds is sinful in God’s eyes.

As Christ-followers we are called higher, not only in actions and behaviors, but also in our thoughts and speech. And for some of us, there is no better place to practice than in the workplace, as His Word works in you, today.

Ex 20:7 (ESV) – You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.
Luke 6:45 (ESV) – The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.
Luke 12:2-3 (ESV) –  Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. Therefore whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops.
2Cor 10:5 (ESV) – We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ…

Listening to the Holy Spirit (Rhema):

I know the intentions of the heart. Bad or good a thought lies, taken captive or set free that the tongue may proclaim. I hear more than what is said. The heart speaks in the eyes, and the whispers of the mind echo in My ears. The wellspring of the heart gives life, good to the life of the Godly, but a life of misery to those who abandon the way of the Father. The heart is echoed in the mouth, and an evil eye is a reflection of a darkened heart. Hold firmly to your thoughts. Tame them as one tames a wild beast. They will do harm to their master, and will prey on those who are weak. Listen to My Voice that is above the beast, above the thoughts of hatred and malice. Harbor not sentiments of destruction to your brother, or condemn your sister in silent words. Allow not life to the thoughts that bring sin, and give not your lips their guidance, for the word, both good and bad, is forever propelled and it cannot be retrieved. Each thought is to be captured, and not every musing is to be given speech. Bless with your mouth, and hold firm your tongue when its fuel is folly, and as a weapon it is drawn. The words of your mouth are not forgotten.