Taking It to Work:

The passage from Luke is a very sobering, rhetorical question posed to us by Jesus – ‘Why do we call Him Lord, if we insist on doing our own thing?’

Humans, in general, are very stubborn, and self-assured. Even after our promise to follow Him as our all-knowing Lord, we still think we know best, especially if we are highly educated or experienced. Rarely do we ask His opinion.

Peter was a seasoned fisherman, and Jesus was a stranger to Peter’s occupation. When Jesus stepped into Peter’s “business”, Peter could have easily belittled Jesus’ advice, but he didn’t. Peter listened, and when he went back to work with God’s direction, his life changed forever.

The same can happen for us. Prayer about decisions and direction in our workplace can lead to very different and very positive results, but only if we are willing ask, and follow what we believe our Lord is leading us to do. Ask, listen, trust and obey, and let His Word bless your work, today.

Luke 6:46 (ESV) – Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you?
John 15:14 (ESV) – You are my friends if you do what I command you.
Luke 5:5 (ESV) – And Simon answered, “Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets.”
John 14:21 (ESV) – Whoever has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me. The one who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and reveal Myself to him.

Listening to the Holy Spirit:

My ways are not your ways. I give to you precepts of my laws that you might prosper in the life I have granted you. My love is given in law. My creation abides by My law, and all who obey live in My blessing. Your ways are less; they are not of God, and seek instead the desires of self. My Spirit calls that you would have My higher calling. I lead you that you would have greater, not less. Who do you say that I am? For you call me Lord, but refuse My way. My instruction is spurned, and as such, your way is difficult and is also bearing little fruit. The way I call may also be treacherous, but I Am there, and the fruit of such a way, far more abundant than your own, and I know the way. For He who abides in Me, abides also in the Way, and I give to him all that is good for the journey, a journey short in days, but rich in eternity. You must do as I say, for it is for you and the Father’s will, that I say it.