Where sin is stilled for obedience, there joy fills the soul. Heaven proclaims the great joy of the saints in obedience of My will. You know My words, therefore, My heart toward you and man. The mystery of love is no longer, as I have given this to you in life. The understanding, the wisdom of He who holds all, is but sampled in the genius of collective men, but the depth of love is a revealed reflection of He who loves without ceasing. In the power of your life given, is also given the elevation of divine love. In its depth comes refreshing for those who stand near its peaceful mist. Give this to those in your presence. Some can be lifted no other way. In refreshing, you too will be refreshed, and the church of heaven and earth is refreshed as well. And as My Bride feels joy, also do I.

Philemon 7 (ESV) – For I have derived much joy and comfort from your love, my brother, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed through you.

Bottom Line: Who around you needs refreshing? Showing godly love brings so much to the downcast believer, and to the struggling unbeliever as well. If you were to stop right now and ask the Holy Spirit, “Who do you want me to refresh today?”, whose face would you see? Good. Now follow through and delight your Lord, and all of heaven as you do!

His Word at Work

Connecting Sunday to Monday!