The voice of God thunders over the heavens. Nowhere is it not heard. In mindless creation there is complete obedience to My law. Each grain of sand, each star in its brightness, each wave of the sea departs not from its Creator’s command. But softer is the Voice to the chosen, and only with seeking will it be found for the counsel of the day. My Spirit abides always, but is not heard but in silence. The world echoes the great noise of men, and the enemy desires deafness from sin, for the hardened heart cannot hear God, and the gentle voice is not heard in a bantering crowd. There is a glow seen only in the darkness, and a touch known only when alone. In the quiet place I Am, always speaking, always reaching, that the heart will be moved in the ways of the Father. As in the heavens and in all creation, and in the heart of My children, it is in these ways that are perfect. Do not wait for the calamity, nor when the storm of fear approaches; it too brings the noise of a disturbed mind. Come into My presence in the days of calm, that you would know My voice in peace, then that peace and My counsel will sustain in the noise.

John 14:16-17 (ESV) – And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you.

Bottom Line: We live in the midst of a non-stop world. Our responsibilities at home and work fill our thoughts the instant we wake up, then run with us throughout the day. Our jobs, meetings, phones, TV, personal trials and temptations are relentless, noisy invaders that drive us all our waking hours. The result – we can’t hear God in our life, not enough anyway.  Would you recognize the Lord’s soft voice if He walked up behind you? You would if you spent time with Him. Find a quiet place to daily ask Him about His Word, His world and your place in it. Before long you will not only know His voice, but will know Him, and be walking with Him.

His Word at Work

Connecting Sunday to Monday!