The thoughts of man are known, known before time. There exists no place beyond My presence, and no time that is not My present. I need not reach, for I Am there. A vast distance is the Godless man from God, but not so for He who transcends distance and time of creation. Great doubt is inflicted on those who strive for faith, in witness of the many without. Those who seek closeness suffer for the many who do not seek, and speak loudly of it. I am near. Do not allow faith to be downcast for the many lost, it reflects not falsehood of faith, but the truth that most do not hunger for My hand. All will hear of the Way, few will respond, and fewer still follow with whole heart. Do not doubt the light in the midst of darkness, nor true life amidst death. With man, the popular becomes a shifting truth, but the way of the Lord is steadfast. The rejection or acceptance of man has no bearing on truth. Remain in the light of faith, though darkness prevails for a time, eternity shall be its instructor.

James 1:16-17 – (ESV) – Do not be deceived, my beloved brothers.Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

Bottom Line:  It’s easy to get discouraged, and even doubt your faith, when looking around at the multitude of people who don’t seem to care about faith, and seem to be moving through life just fine. “Maybe we have it wrong?”, we might think. The majority of our coworkers seem disinterested in the things we hold dear as Christians, and maybe look down on us because of it. Finding ourselves in this minority may invoke doubts, but we must remember what we read in the bible. God knew from all eternity we would be a minority. He told us of the narrow way, and spoke clearly of the many who will not choose to follow it.  Don’t let the majority hurt your faith, or cause you to doubt the truth. The Truth himself will make it clear. The majority will not rule. Stay close to He who will.

His Word at Work

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