Defend. That which is worthy warrants defense. Do not fear the disagreement. In love and truth, invest the seed of time. Expect not the growth, for in My time it shall sprout, its bloom for later years. Give reason for your hope. Speak of the many blessings, the time and place of My movement along your path. As you speak of My way, My way shall find its way, as the entry to the heart is of trust and tale. Speak of your rebirth, the intercessions, the unexplained, except by My hand. These are the witnesses of the unseen; the reasons further faith. I Am the help in times of need, the fortress in times of trouble. In your story they find faith in Me. Trusting in your word, they shall recieve My Word. Their hope is given in the seed of story. My Word tells many, so too your life. In your words you bring them to me. Defend with witness, and My Word shall spread through the telling.

1 Peter 3:15 (ESV) – . . . but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, . . .

Bottom Line: Many Christians, especially in the workplace, are very uncomfortable sharing their faith. Many also have a difficult time defending why they believe what they believe, even though scripture says we should always be prepared to make that defense. But how? Most believe they have to be a Bible scholar or a theologian of sorts to ever be good at defending their faith, but it is far simpler than that. You just have to be able to tell your favorite stories of God’s interventions in your life.  We all have our “Thank God” stories, times we think back upon when we know God stepped in to save the day. These are the memories that keep our faith strong, even when we are dealing with adversity.  These same stories, unembellished so as to be received in trust, told with love and gentleness, are powerful witnesses to anyone with whom you share them.  Many times it is our stories that pave the way for God and His Word to even be considered.  Look at how many stories there are of men and women in the Bible. God is a storyteller. You should be too. It not only gives a defense for your faith, but it may open the heart of others in the process.

His Word at Work

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