My Word stands timeless among creation. Many seek to twist the Truth, that falsehood would sooth the inner pain of the godless, but My Law prevails. The stubbornness of man is short among the eternal, and the pulse of falsehood is lost amidst that which does not change of pulsing. He who is above all, sustains all. No power is given to man who alters My will. Choice is given within its bound, as time also is bound. Seek the truth in My Word. It holds creation captive to its precepts, as the sea and its power are captive of the earth. Faith in My Word is faith in Me. Know My Word and you shall know the God who goes before you. Understanding in part, but in that part, great Truth. Faith given fully to Truth, gives life full, but a life in denial of My truth, suffers in the years of the earth and again in death. Do not delay in your belief. Do not live that pride would consume your years. Abandon the false way; seek Truth and follow.

John 8:31-32 (ESV) – So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

John 14:6 (ESV) – Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Bottom Line: Pride is a tough thing to overcome, especially concerning beliefs or actions we have accepted all our lives. Nobody likes to admit they were wrong, especially after having believed in something, or done a certain action or habit  for so many years. As followers of the Truth (Jesus himself) and students of the Word (His written truth), it is inevitable that we are going to discover things about ourselves that need to change, things we have to admit are wrong. The Holy Spirit inside us is going to support us, but our pride and other inner defenses are going to be in direct opposition. It is a battle we all face in our Christian walk. We will never change the Truth; the question is, will we let the Truth change us?

His Word at Work

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