Without end is the patience of the Father. Many a sin, but love remains. The call of the lost remains until it is heard no more by the called. Many are invited, the gate open, and they pass by. Some enter, but give only lips, with no heart. I call them closer, but sin remains their god. Within the fold, but not yet of the fold. Among the holy they walk, but not yet holy. The response of the heart is not always of the feet, yet the patience of God does not cease. The heart of the lost is not hardened by the Father, until it is first set as stone by he who has rejected My hope. Pride is a great wall, casting flesh as stone in sin, that the heart should reject all that is God, but he who remains in hope, even in great sin, there is patience in the wait. A bruised reed is not broken. My life is the light to men, and the Father’s great love extends patience to both he who is saved, and he who shall be saved. You know not who is truly lost, nor he who is truly saved, but to great patience you are called, as the reflection of He who saved you. I give you My Spirit, that you would bear patiently with all. You were once as they, and the sin you harbor still is not as it should be. The Father’s love continues through your window, so too your patience with them.

1 Timothy 1:16 (NIV) – But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life.

Bottom Line: Losing patience with others is easy. We have high expectations of the people around us. As an employer or customer, we expect our money’s worth, and as employees and contractors, we expect to be treated and paid fairly. When someone lets us down, or acts in a way that is clearly wrong, we can quickly become angry or annoyed. The reminder today is two-fold. First, God has been, and continues to be, very patient with us when we are constantly messing up. Secondly, we are called to be His reflection of patience to others. Too often, we make excuses for our own behavior, and accuse others of the worst motivations. Some people hold on to great unforgiveness for many years. This is not what Jesus modeled for us, nor how He treats us today. He has patience with us over and over again, let’s reflect the same with others.

His Word at Work

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