Taking It to Work:

Repentance is not a workplace word. It’s a church word right? It seems that way, and I believe the enemy of our souls would like us to keep those places separate, but not our Lord. Like He did for His apostles, He taught them in the midst of real life, in the middle of their culture, politics and problems. He wants the same for us. Every principle we learn on Sunday, He is looking for us to put into practice on Monday.

So, repentance in the workplace, what does that mean? Well, just like David, in the midst of his many issues, he first wanted to look within himself. We are very quick in our day and age, to look outside of ourselves for the reasons for our struggles: our situation, our boss, our employees, our customers, our lack of funding, or the ridiculous expectations that are put upon us, and add to that the pressures of home. We can easily find ourselves finger-pointing and complaining about the outside world, that we miss the inner focus that would allow us to handle the outward environment so much better.

The inner focus is where the workplace repentance starts. How did we handle that situation that disappointed us so much? How did we speak to that coworker, or what ugly thoughts are we harboring about our boss’s latest decision? Are we praying at work? Are we seeing our being there as God-ordained, to be light and salt to the earth?

David wanted God to search his heart. He wanted so badly to repent of anything that was not pleasing to God. This pleased God greatly. In our occupations, in our dealing with the everyday people, problems and decisions of the workplace, we can please God too. Everyday we have the opportunity repent, to turn away, and then to do the things that would pleasing to our God, even handling the tough work situations in a way that would make Him smile.

Let’s search our heart, that our repentant response would birth again the desire to be a pleasing site to our Savior, every day of the week, and everyplace that the week takes us, as His Word works in you today.

Psalm 139:23-24 (ESV) – Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
Isaiah 44:22 (ESV) – I have blotted out your transgressions like a cloud and your sins like mist; return to me, for I have redeemed you.
Acts 3:19 (ESV) – Repent therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be blotted out

Listening to the Holy Spirit (Rhema):

All good begins in the heart of the redeemed. Each decision creates a platform for the next. The source of righteousness is first the repentant heart. In the knowing of the sin, decisions not of My will, My children hear My voice calling them to repentance. You too are called to the place of sorrow for sin, that you would begin again in the forgiveness afforded by My blood for you. With repentance comes great change – from a far away place, to a son, a daughter, pulled close in love. Begin again in the decisions of your everyday; turn back to the will of the Father; you know it already by My Spirit. Turn to the right, that even the smallest decisions are a gentle and fragrant aroma to Me. Blessed are the righteous, by My blood, and My Spirit guiding every decision of My people who call on My Name. Be faithful in the small things, and the detail of My reflection with be upon you.