Each for the Father’s glory, but for each one as well. I give life that your life might give again life. Not for yourself do you breathe, but for the will of the Father and those He has given to Me. There comes great plans for each life. Some called to little will avail much; others with much will bring little. Each is called to fulfill what has been known. The end brings glory as each takes his place. Some do not, but as it is known beforehand, no plan of the Father is spoiled for the choice. Even of the fall, although first of greater sin, none of the Father’s are forgotten, and none who choose life does He not draw. Those of His abide in the Son, and those who abide, great is the work of their lives, unfulfilled by another, and as fulfilled, to the Father’s glory. Completion of which you are called – life given for such is glory eternal.

John 17:4 (ESV) – I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do.

John 15:8 (NIV) – This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.

Bottom Line: We may feel like we are called to our work, and that is true for many, but the real work of the Christian’s life is to fulfill their calling in Christ. The things that God will remember are the many things He had planned for you before the beginning of time. The reason He gave you life, and then gave the life of His Son for the forgiveness of your sin, is so you would be able to fulfill His eternal destiny for yourself, and reward you again for bringing glory to Him as you complete it. Your regular work is important, it puts food on the table and a roof over your head, but the eternal things – loving, giving, caring, obeying His commands, focusing on others more than yourself – these are our privileges to do everyday. In some small way, they are the work of heaven and remembered for eternity. Your real work is not complete yet, because you are still here to read this, but one day it will be, and you will find out the glory it brought to God the Father!

His Word at Work

Connecting Sunday to Monday!