As a tree reaches deeper in drought, so too you must reach deeper in times of pain. Difficulty is a teacher, but as it brings its wisdom you shall thirst. I am the Living Water, and as you bear the load, it is I who refreshes. Come near to the Fount of Life. Come to He who knows your burden. Each life will have trouble, but faith in Me overcomes all pain, even death. My Spirit comforts and guides in darkness as well as [in] light. In understanding and without, the Truth still guides you forward to the next place I call. Do not let the world weigh heavy. I have overcome the world, and you are Mine. The day of tribulation will pass, and you will again find peace in My presence. Seek Me in My Word, that you will find Me, and I shall speak to you, that your heart will be full and overflow, even in drought.

John 16:33 (NIV) –  “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Bottom Line: Bad day? We all have them. Often we can feel like God is against us, not for us. Why does He allow such trouble? Why doesn’t He allow things to go smoother? These are questions that are hard to answer, but Jesus said we are to expect trouble. His Word is filled with stories of great men and women who suffered much; we are no different. Work and family can be some of the most difficult things we have to deal with in life, and sometimes we can be the cause of our own problems! Jesus says to draw near, and to the best of our ability find comfort in Him. Pull close to Him, go deeper. Don’t just complain about the trial; dig into His Word. The Psalms are a great way to “hear” Him in times of need. Reach for the living water of His Word, and before you know it, He will have taken you through the storm to brighter skies.

His Word at Work

Connecting Sunday to Monday!