I have given you a new name. Your past is no longer. If you truly believe and live as My disciple, you are made new. Those surrounding you may call you down into the depths, a place familiar but now unfit for My beloved. They do not see, for the change is not yet completed. You know Me and the voice of My Spirit, but still you are changing. Do not look back to the way of the old man, unhealed, unrepentant. What formerly was, must now be forgotten. I call you to a new life in My Name. Strengthen your walk as I strengthen your legs. Live anew from your infirmities; no longer do you carry the sin. Repent and see clearly where I call you. For life is new. See now what awaits. Walk not as in former days. Greater you will be, and greater they will see.

John 9:8 (ESV) – The neighbors and those who had seen him before as a beggar were saying, “Is this not the man who used to sit and beg?”

Bottom Line: Your life has been made new, including your work life. Those around you should be able to see a change, at least eventually.  Live in a way that brings honor to the name you bear as a Christian. Your language, your friendly demeanor, your willingness to serve and forgive others – all these things reflect the change that God is doing in your heart at home, and at work, as His Word works in you.

Categories: Inspiration

His Word at Work

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