Man answers man, but the children of the Father answer to the God they serve. It is a great honor, always in time, to be chosen as a servant to a good king. Of highest esteem were these servants held. Men grow proud in service to those they deem greater, and revile serving those they see of low value. My followers value the Highest King. My true followers do not obey in burden, but in great joy. They serve with abandon and selfless sacrifice. Even as they serve others, without gratitude or notice, it matters not, as they see only Me as they give. Serving only men is not the reach of life; it is the serving to the Father’s Glory that is the goal. Selfless you will become as you draw close to My image. Your focus dims in the mirror, and grows strong in My character. Serve each one as you would serve Me, and I am served, and My Father too is served. Those who do not respond rightly (with thanklessness), already struggle deeply. Do not hold against them what you would not want held against you. Serve Me, and they will be nourished. The true thanksgiving is not theirs (to give), nor to them the true service.

Matt 29:40 (ESV) – And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to Me.’  

Bottom Line: It seems God holds servanthood to others higher than even leadership. He surely calls us to lead well, but He seems to be more concerned that we serve well. At work we get paid to serve, but as disciples of Christ trying to become more like Him, we should serve others like we are serving the Father himself, with a higher motive than the thanks of a paycheck. When we do this, we separate ourselves from most of the world, and our service becomes not mere work, but an eternal act of worship to a great and wonderful King. Do this, and let His Word work a servant’s heart in you.

His Word at Work

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