As the gifts of My Spirit are given for the benefit of others, so too your work and provision. There are those in great need among you, and it is for these that you are given much. Not all, but seek My will, and your generosity will be directed. I give that you may give, and much more will come to those whose hearts are generous. With time, more shall be given; with peace, more shall be given. To he who heals – more strength, and to he who sows richly from his wealth – more again. There is no limitation to My provision, except to those who horde for themselves what has been given to share. Not all is to be given, but a tithe pleases He who is the Giver of all. Your security does not lie in riches, nor in the number of your days, but with the Father Provider who gives freely to those whom He chooses, that His reflection may be borne in them.  You do not work for provision as you trade hours for wage. You give the day, that My Father’s hand gives the provision of the day. Be generous with the extra provided, for He who sows sparingly, will reap the same, but he who shares generously from the grateful heart within, shall reap far more than mere wealth.

2Cor 9:11 (ESV) – You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God.

Bottom Line: In our culture we hear very little today about the importance of being generous. We worry about “having enough” of both finances and time. We may ignore a person that needs help, for fear our time is too limited. Even our talents, which could be leveraged in the church, are not offered due to the fact we use them so much in areas during the week, that we just don’t have anymore desire to apply them elsewhere. We truly are living in a β€œme” culture. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you ways to break any selfishness you may have, and begin with thanking Him, as we remind ourselves why we are blessed in the first place. Do this, and His Word will work mightily through you.

His Word at Work

Connecting Sunday to Monday!