Remember not the whims of the heart, for the very things you need are already in My will. All men know only shallow desires, unless within them is My Spirit. Loudly does the world call its followers, and wide is the road that brings camaraderie and confidence, but it leads not to the true desires of God within the man. Great momentum of those unsaved, driven by their own desires, races with abandon toward destruction. Be not one of those who hear not My voice amidst the great multitude. Find a time of quiet light, a place to refresh the weary day. Seek My counsel and My voice, that you would be given Living Water for your thirst, and Bread of Life for your hunger. To a place of daily bread I call you. Seek in this time My Word, and call to He who called you to His throne of grace. Do not be swept along as so many. In My will lies your peace, and the true desires of the heart. Follow Me to the quiet place, that you may fight the tide, and find your way.

John 8:12 (ESV) – Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

Bottom Line: Work is a large part of our lives, but a great career and its earnings should not be the end game. We are only here for a time, and as we work to make a living, we need to know it can take us down a wrong path if we are not careful. We need to be spending time with our Lord each day – in His Word seeking His guidance for our lives. We are good workers, but we are first followers of Jesus, let us not be pulled along with the rest of the culture. His path is different, narrower, and better.

His Word at Work

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