Listening to the Holy Spirit:

How do you answer when difficult is the answer? My children do not hide behind falseness. Truth, in all matters, is the way of those who follow Me. Truth and grace are My reflection to all, and through you it also must shine. Gentle correction, and when danger abounds, even strong correction. In truth, the promise, even if that promise does not satisfy the hearer. Do not paint what cannot exist. An honest answer, well-kept, is better than the lie of false ability. Do not promise what you cannot deliver, or to remove what cannot be removed. Be of your word, with no blemish. Your word of truth becomes confidence in your superior – a well-kept date brings calmness for the demands of tomorrow. Speak what is true, and the light of truth will guide your way among many thorns. And in the end, your scratches will heal, and your destination [will be] one of My holy [followers].

Prv 12:19 (ESV) – Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue is but for a moment.

Prv 12:22 (ESV) – Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who act faithfully are his delight.

Col 3:9 (ESV) – Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices

Taking It to Work:

Being a person of The Word, and being a person of your word, have a very strong connection. We profess a God that is unfailing in His promises. A God that declares, in writing, what He will do and what He will not do. A God that assures us His perfect commitment to us, even when we are imperfect toward HIm. A covenant making and keeping God that never speaks or promises falsely. A God we are called to emulate.

In a world that is running rampant with ruse and deception, in a culture that is trying to convince us that what we always knew was true, wasn’t, and what always believed was wrong, isn’t, we, the Christians, need to be the steady column of truth, the steady beacon of reliability and trustworthiness in a world that is not only telling lies, but believing in them.

In the workplace, there is a very practical application of this. Don’t make promises you can’t keep. Don’t tell the boss you’ll have it Thursday when you know it will likely be Monday. Don’t tell the customer that you’ll get back to him, and then leave him hanging. Don’t avoid the phone call, or not share the facts, because you’re really uncomfortable with being truthful about the situation. You’re representation of Christ calls you higher than that.

When people hear you speak, they should hear the truth. Not in a “cram it down your throat” way, but in a way that is sensitive to the situation. When they see you act, they should see a reliability and great effort in always keeping those due dates, and delivering what you said you would deliver. That is a reflection of our promise-keeping God, and a welcomed change to any boss, team or company in which you work. And if you are a parent or grandparent, to keep that promise to be at that game or dance recital.

Not too long ago, being a man of your word meant something. It meant that truth mattered. That integrity mattered. Don’t fall to “telling them what they want to hear”. The good reputation you will gain from keeping your promises will take you farther than the pacifying promises that likely cannot be kept. Tell the truth, and you will reflect Him, as His Word works in you!

the darkness of untruth, our truthfulness, our reliability, our integrity is a welcomed change, to anyone you work forSometimes we don’t want to disappoint, so we say that we can make the date, make the budget, or be at that big game, when we know it is very unlikely that we will. God expects us to reflect Him by telling the truth, gently when we can, but always the truth. The good reputation you will gain from keeping your promises, will take you farther than the pacifying promises that likely cannot be kept. Tell the truth, and you will reflect Him, as His Word works in you!

His Word at Work

Connecting Sunday to Monday!