Listening to the Holy Spirit:

There are those with whom you can trust, but there are those in whom you give trust that are not worthy of that great privilege. Discern carefully in My Spirit with whom you break bread. Not all who claim to know My Name obey My voice. You are entrusted with knowledge and rumor displeases Me. Walk closely in My counsel, carefully choosing with whom you speak. Great destruction comes with the loose tongue, diligent work is destroyed with chatter, and the one trusted through first appearance can be he who turns against. Seek first My counsel. Lead carefully those who walk with you. Capture your words and thoughts to My Name first, and speak as I guide. The loose tongue is a wellspring of trouble.

Psalms 41:9 (ESV) -Even my close friend in whom I trusted, who ate my bread has lifted his heel against me.

Proverbs 20:19 (ESV) – He who goes about as a slanderer reveals secrets,
Therefore do not associate with a gossip.

Proverbs 21:23 (ESV) – Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue
    keeps himself out of trouble.

Taking It to Work:

It is said that information is power. Those “in the know” have a special place in our society. Those with a “need to know” are regarded as important and privileged, trusted with information not commonly known by the public.

In corporate structure and company planning, confidentiality is expected and relied upon to execute the vision of its leadership and shareholders. In military endeavors, secret plans and wartime maneuvers must be handled with the utmost secrecy. Even in personal relationships and conversations, the trust put in us to hold our tongues is paramount to the friendships involved. So why are we often tempted to devulge what we know? Why does it feel good to let the “cat out of the bag”?

It’s not complicated, but it can sneak up on you in an instant: Our old nemesis, Pride. The desire to feel important; to let others know you have been privy to something that they have not. You may not have even planned on saying anything, but in the moment, it just comes out.

The bible calls it gossip, and we typically think of it as personally damaging to the one we are gossiping about, although, on a professional level, it can be far more destructive. Leaking news of an upcoming layoff, or worse, rumors of a layoff, can cause panic and unnecessary hardship for many. In HR, discussing other’s pay or benefits can be company-wide destructive in morale and key employee retension. If you get high enough on the ladder to get tempted by “insider trading” or breaches of clearances, there are huge legal, criminal, and financial ramifications for those given to talking when they shouldn’t.

Especially in leadership positions, we need to be very careful with whom we share information. God has allowed us to be entrusted with much that should be carefully guarded. It is a very real temptation of pride to talk about sensitive things with the wrong people. Bring the Lord into it. Ask Him first – His answer may prevent you, and many others, a great deal of pain. Integrity is a hallmark of the Christian reputation. Sometimes, holding your tongue is the best way to preserve it and let His Word work through you, today.

His Word at Work

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