My peace be with you. The storm is not fatal; I Am with you. Fear not the coming wave, not the mighty wind. The elements themselves are in My rule. The journey will continue along a guided path. Do not worry, for I Am closer than the storm that surrounds. Adjustment to the path, a remembrance of your own limits, a draw to Me – I call you through. My voice sounds the way. Trust in My leading, and your way will be My own. My hand is always with My children. In storm and death, in the spring of new birth, come to Me that you would have rest. Pray that your decisions in the storm would be of My greatest will. Decide for others before yourself. Put first the laws of the Kingdom, then the laws of man. Do not sin in your strain. Follow, obey, and the storm will pass, and your way will be preserved, and your strength renewed.

Matt 14:30 (ESV) – But when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, “Lord, save me.”

Bottom Line: In business and in the workplace, in life and in family, storms can seem insurmountable. Situations that seem hopeless can destroy our countenance a nd test our faith. If you are there right now, hold firm to what the Lord is calling you to do. Stay close to Him, read the Psalms, and follow His principles. You will get through it. If you are blessed to not be in a storm right now, thank God, and then share this with someone who needs it.

His Word at Work

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