The approval of man is poor nutrition; daily is the need and it strengthens only slightly. Seek My approval. Focus heavenward that your work would be approved in the heavenly realm. It is not the approval of men that fills the soul, but the approval of He who equips you fully for your task. Fear arises from expectations of difficulty, but the approval of the Lord is of the heart and intent of mind. Obedience to all I have taught you, lifts beyond the nod of men. Accolades do not strengthen the countenance as a life lived in righteousness to the law of the Father. Therefore, do not fear the attitude of man; the favor of good men will follow the favor of the Father. Be first loyal to the laws of the Kingdom, that the blessing of My hand might be on all you do. Your memory among men will follow the favor of your Lord.

John 12:42-43 (ESV) – Nevertheless, many even of the authorities believed in Him, but for fear of the Pharisees they did not confess it, so that they would not be put out of the synagogue; for they loved the glory that comes from man more than the glory that comes from God. 

Bottom Line: Making a name for ourselves . . . our culture and careers thrive on having others see and applaud the things that we do. Facebook likes, YouTube followers, and Linkedin recommendations seem to be the measurement of choice in our work and life. Man’s approval is becoming more and more the focus, while God’s yardstick is different.  He weighs the intent of the heart and is pleased with a mind that is centered on pleasing Him. Our obedience to His Word and ways, and our love for others is what gives Him pleasure. Today, work to please the Lord. Be guided by His Spirit. Concentrate on making your Father smile as you work through your day. Don’t sweat the opinion of others, for it is the Lord Jesus you serve.

His Word at Work

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