Taking It to Work:
I have met many generous people, and they fit into two primary groups – those generous with money, and those generous with their time. I admire both, but I think I admire those giving their time the most. People such as: those who visit the sick even after a long day at work, those who seem to always have time to talk, and really take interest, even though you know they have tons to do, those who go out of their way to buy you a card, or a thoughtful gift, or give you a call when a simple text would have been sufficient. I admire those types of people. They value others it seems, much more than themselves, and the generosity of their time is proof of it.
In the American culture, it is much more common to cut a check to a ministry than it is to volunteer at one. Checks are good and they are needed in almost any ministry, but it seems that time has become the ultimate gold, and for most of us, there is little to be spared.
The truth is, we hear very little today about the importance of being generous with our time. Many of us schedule ourselves thin, with little margin. And even with what is scheduled, we worry about having enough time to get it all done.
“Task oriented” we call it, and we can find ourselves easily ignoring a person who needs someone to talk to, or even stopping to say hello to a friend, for fear our time is too limited. It even extends to using our talents that God gave us, which could be leveraged in church, or in a ministry, but are not offered due to the fact we just don’t have the time to spare. We truly are living in a “spread-too-thin” society.
What should we do? We can start by asking the Holy Spirit to show us ways to schedule for the unscheduled, to schedule time to be generous, and to schedule some blank space for His purposes and the people to whom we are called to care. Schedule it in if you have to, as His Word works in you, today.
2 Cor 9:11 (ESV) – You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God.
Luke 6:38 (ESV) – Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.”
Prv 11:24-25 – One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want. Whoever brings blessing will be enriched and one who waters will himself be watered.
Listening to the Holy Spirit:
As the gifts of My Spirit are given for the benefit of others, so too your work and provision. There are those in great need among you, and it is for these that you are given much. Not to all, but seek My will, and your generosity will be directed. I give that you may give, and much more will come to those whose hearts are generous. With time, more shall be given; with peace, more shall be given. To he who heals – more strength, and to he who sows richly from his wealth – more again. There is no limitation to My provision, except to those who horde for themselves what has been given to share. Not all is to be given, but a tithe pleases He who is the Giver of all. Your security does not lie in riches, nor in the number of your days, but with the Father Provider who gives freely to those whom He chooses, that His reflection may be borne in them. You do not work for provision as you trade hours for wage. You give the day, that My Father’s hand gives the provision of the day. Be generous with the extra provided, for He who sows sparingly, will reap the same, but he who shares generously from the grateful heart within, shall reap far more than mere wealth.
1 Comment
Julie · July 12, 2024 at 11:42 am
Thank you so much for your words here. I walk in my daily life much of the time thinking most people do not have great interest in engaging so I perpetuate the habit of simply texting to communicate even though I really enjoy engaging face to face. I’ll have several experiences of an individual appearing annoyed that I would stop them to connect and I make an assumption that “this is simply the way everyone is so I’ll just retreat.” I have to not do that and keep trying to connect in person to see God’s ability to reach another soul.
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