It comes as a fog upon the waters. Slowly it rises that vision would be hindered. Glare of self-made light useless for the creeping. Only just beyond the bow, nothing more. The day of reckoning approaches. The great sin of men rises from the pure and warm of My creation. Again judgment comes on My people, and again from plenty to famine. The day shall soon dawn, but first the fog and darkness must cover, for in darkness the goats lose their way, but My sheep do not. The light of godless men will not penetrate, for the good of man is insufficient. Those who bear My Name must raise their head above their own light, even extinguish, that they might find the light of the Father, which changes not with the hindrance of man. Above the fog, as the stars are above the sea, in the light of these the seaman finds his way. Nothing more is needed, and the fog does not slow such a captain, for the light of the Father gives course, and his bow trusts its way. You who know My Name must follow in the thick of the rising sin, great of the earth, but far greater, of My own. For the judgment comes to all, but the great transgression is of the professors who speak, but do not act, who correct, but not themselves. For if they did not fall to their own lusts, and their rebuke did not go unheeded, then the day would be extended. Now to you, reject the way of the fog. Raise your eyes above to My small and steady light. Seek the way of repentance and strength. Fix your eyes on My Word. As the faith of the captain looks to the heavens, so too the fearless of God, that your course stay true.

Deuteronomy 13:4 (CSB) – You must follow the Lord your God and fear him. You must keep his commands and listen to him; you must worship him and remain faithful to him.

John 12:46 (CSB) – I have come as light into the world, so that everyone who believes in me would not remain in darkness.

John 8:12 (CSB) – Jesus spoke to them again: “I am the light of the world. Anyone who follows me will never walk in the darkness but will have the light of life.”

Bottom Line: The Bible foretells that things get worse before they get better. Although we don’t know the day or the hour when God will move, we can see that overall, even amidst great blessing, it is becoming darker and foggier out there. As Christians in a relatively easy world and time (compared to centuries past), we have grown accustomed to handling issues ourselves, making our own decisions, and setting our own course, for the most part – without God. Things are changing. The path for us,and the church at large becomes less and less clear, and more and more out of our control. Many already have been in fervent prayer on behalf of the leadership of the world, but for many, we have paid more attention to the news than to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The time is ripe to get back to being serious about prayer and applying the Word to our lives. With these two activities alone, we will be able to navigate through the unclear future that lies ahead. Look up above the fog, and let Jesus show you the way.

His Word at Work

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