Each day you rise to new life, to accomplish what that day brings, called deeply to play your part in its core, for you are central to your day’s theme, as it seems. The greatness in your day is not in the actions of the day, but in the intent given to the day driven by My Spirit. The workplace beckons your complete attention, but My attention is on the intentions of your heart. Each task, dedicated to My will, is a praise to My Name. Even the most ordinary of tasks are given to the holy (you) to become holy. You are called to greater, not in position or power or profit, but to the greater intention in living that is God’s and not man’s. Lifting your work to Me first, doing it well is a holy act of sacrifice and praise. My reward is greater than any payment received or notoriety of man. Both are a grave in themselves, ever deeper and never filled, but given to the Father, holy by My name, all value is given. You build the world through My hands, and all shines brightly in heaven, even those dim tasks otherwise done only for man, unrelated in man’s eyes, but precious and personally yours in the Father’s eyes, if first your intention is to please His Kingdom, and second for the kingdom of men. Bring Me the common day, and holy it becomes.

Col. 3:23-24 (ESV) – Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.

Bottom Line:  With intention to please Him first, dedicate all your work to the Lord and the ordinary tasks will become holy to God. Your day may be routine and have become somewhat mundane, but if you realize you are working for the Lord, your attitude can change and you can find joy in even the simplest or thankless of jobs.

His Word at Work

Connecting Sunday to Monday!