Ease and comfort are not the way of My followers. Rest for a time, pampered to gather again strength, but diligence in your work demands great effort. He who gathers, those who plant and harvest, those who build and maintain, those who lead others in their way, if these follow My charge, then their labor will be tiring, their days full of trial and challenge. For in this the mind grows sharp, the body strong, and great strides are had, but he who dwells among the lazy, who cheats the day for a full day’s wage, these do not reflect My light. My Spirit given to My people beckons them to rise, to run, to improve what is already in place. My Spirit is one of creation and growth, giving life and energy to the life that surrounds. He who has My Spirit rests in due time, a sabbath, but then rises in strength to run for He who gives him legs to run, nourishing others in the great effort of his day. Give glory to Me in your work. Do well and with great care and vigor. Do what I have given you to accomplish. The sloth is not greater than the cheetah, and he who is lazy will despair his loss.

Heb. 6:11-12 – And we desire each one of you to show the same earnestness to have the full assurance of hope until the end, so that you may not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

Bottom Line: Meaningful work requires diligent effort, and although we must rest, the call of our life in God is to love, live and work to our fullest ability. He has given you your days to run, and as you do, let His Word work through you.

His Word at Work

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