Praise always the good. Set your mind on things above, and do not allow waste in your thinking. I see the good and the bad. My eye knows all the ill intent of man and beast, but there is great in the pain. There is the best for each of My children, even as they walk through difficulty, and many, torment. Much pain is present, but redemption is greater. Struggles at home and in the workplace are only one focus. Surrounding all hardship are the blessings of secure faith – My Spirit with you, the salvation of My cross, and the eternal love and provision that streams from My plan for you beyond all ages. Lift your head therefore, and see the blessings raining down. Work is good. Trial strengthens. Great trial strengthens greatly, but you must focus on the resources given you – from another breath to fight, and the sure victory that follows all who follow Me. No trial before you is unmetered. My hand is strength, and My presence is closer than your own. Have faith in the trials, both great and small. See the great greater than the hardship. You have been given much, and you will be lifted in mind and heart, if you lift your eyes toward Me and the provision already yours. Seek and you will find, for your true strength is already there, in and through Me. My hand is on you. Do not lose hope, nor the countenance of those who believe that all things work together for good for those I love, for your faith in great trial is your greatest testimony to those about you.

Phil 4:8 – Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

Bottom Line: We may have great trials, or many minor ones, especially at work, but one of the greatest ways we convey our faith in Christ to others, is to keep our thoughts and attitudes elevated above the circumstances, setting our mind on the good that He has already provided. He is with you, and He is for you. Persevere in His strength, and let His Word work in you today.

His Word at Work

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