The greatness of work is not in worldly accomplishment. These are forgotten. The greatness of work is in service to Me and to others. Many will accomplish great feats, of which serve few, and many harm. You are called to serve first, giving yourself that others may prosper. Accomplishment pleasing to Me is the wake left behind from the great work of service to others. My people wander, and I allow them to do so, that in wandering they may find their true way. I would rather he who responds have great service with little accolade, than be famous for great wealth, serving only for few. Your path is great with harvest. Along the way opportunity abounds to build for those longing for greater life. Find them in your everyday. Picture those who you will lift in prayer as you work. Lift those you will serve first in your heart, then with the work of your hands. As you build these, so too the legacy of your life – true accomplishment remembered in eternity, in those you serve today. A trophy from men that shines today is lusterless in eternity, if he that earns it serves few; but with prayers toward whom you serve, even the forgotten tasks are proclaimed forever.

Heb 6:10 (ESV) For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints, as you still do.

Bottom Line: In our work we must focus on those we serve, and serve with, first and foremost. This is the part of our jobs that have eternal significance. Don’t put the accomplishment ahead of the customer, or profit over the people, or advancement over relationship. Live and work God’s way. A legacy of service to others far outlives a career of mere accomplishment.

His Word at Work

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