Taking It to Work:

Life, even to the most brilliant biologists, is still a mystery. There is an unseen miracle that differentiates life from death. And although they are both around us constantly, we don’t stop to consider how clearly they point to God.

The common teaching in the schools today is that life itself was just a happenstance, an explosion of some unknown particles, that created a random mixture of about a hundred, naturally occurring elements, which through some astronomical lottery, assembled themselves into all that we see today, including this allusive force we call life. 

I can tell you, as an engineer, that this explanation offends me. I have worked with some of the most brilliant men and women on this earth. For many years I was in the aerospace world working with incredible sums of money. And although much of what we have invented out of those hundred or so elements has been impressive, none of it happened without a whole lot of intelligent effort; and none of it holds a candle to the cardinal that just flew by my window.

Think of it. How much money and brainpower would it take for us to create a new animal, a bird maybe, or even a plant. I’m not talking about a new variant of an existing animal or plant. I’m talking about a brand new animal, or tree, or for that matter anything that is alive, that can reproduce, heal itself, all starting from raw elements and some energy. How long would it take? And remember, we are the most intelligent creatures on earth. Now how much longer will it take without us, with just time passing and random movements of the elements?

It actually should be a bit insulting to all of the engineers out there who understand the incredible complexity and cumulative intelligent effort it takes to invent anything impressive, let alone something alive. Our assignments are hard enough without throwing in the ‘alive’ requirement.

I fear it might be a bit insulting to God too. It’s so obvious. We can’t give breath to anything, as much as we want to, yet He does it every day, right under our noses. 

He is the Author of Life who, for the world to see, started His own human life within a virgin, without a man’s help. He brought dead people to life publicly and privately, and as a final capstone on the expression of His power, He raised His own beaten, dead body from a grave after it laid there for three days.

On your drive to work today, look at the life that surrounds you, none of which is man’s doing, and drive out any doubt that He exists, as His Word works in you, today.

Rom 1:20 (ESV) – For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.

Acts 3:15 (ESV) – . . .  and you killed the Author of life, whom God raised from the dead. To this we are witnesses.

John 2:19 (ESV) – Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.”

Listening to the Holy Spirit (Rhema):

In My creation I am visible. As you witness your hand’s movement function, as you contemplate the details of mere thought, as you exhale and draw your next, you experience My work in you. As you work, so does the creation that lies within you – My light, given as life to men. See with the eye; one creation beholds the next. Hear the thing you cannot touch, and smell what you cannot see. As you work today, give first thought to what must work, that you might work. Draw back to contemplate My work, that your faith would never be shaken, that the evidence of My sovereign hand would not leave you in times of doubt. My power in creation flows through and about you. Stop and see My work that you would believe you are placed for your own.

His Word at Work

Connecting Sunday to Monday!