See with My eyes. Look about you into the eyes of those near to you. Your hands work together, and your minds create and invent ways, and produce, but there is more. Each calls out; each life barren in some way. Look that you would see the need of those placed in your light. You carry a torch that I have given you, a light for those in darkness. Have pity on those who need it. Connect with the hearts I show you. Give to them what others have given you through the blood of the Lamb. Gently and with humbleness of heart approach them. Blind them not, but with care approach their darkness. Pray for them. Lift them to My hand and care, and the gentle dawn will rise to new day. The work of the workplace is only a setting. The greater work is in those to which I call you. Forgotten will be the years of toil, but remembered forever your touch – My touch, through you, to those called to My light. Look intently, that I might show you a soul. It is the true work of eternity in the work of the temporal.

Gal. 6:2 (ESV) – Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Isaiah 49:6 (ESV) – I will make you as a light for the nations, that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth.”

Bottom Line:  It is easy to take care of tasks and not people. We are surrounded by those who need God’s light. Pray for God’s vision, and then look into the eyes of those around you. Connect with those you feel you should befriend. Pray for those you are lead to pray for. So many are in need a touch of someone who cares, or a silent prayer of blessing on their behalf. Pray, look and let His Word work in you.

His Word at Work

Connecting Sunday to Monday!