Taking It to Work:

Practice makes perfect . . . well, I’m not sure about perfect, but certainly better!

And in Philippians 4:9, we are called to, “practice these things . . .”.

Practice what? The Godly behaviors that we are called to live out everyday, and what better place to practice than in our workplace. Our jobs are the perfect practice grounds to live out what the Word teaches us.

We pray for patience. Well, there are plenty of people and circumstances to have patience with at work. Joy in trial – again, the workplace. How about forgiveness, practicing encouragement, and not being anxious? All these and more can be refined and honed in the workplace.

This is something to really ponder, as we don’t normally think of our places of work as places of spiritual development, but with a little intentionality, they will be our best practice field for implementing on Monday, what was preached on Sunday.

We don’t work where we work by mistake, or with the people we work with by mistake. He uses everything to build us, to give us practice in being like Him.

And what might we be practicing for? A good reputation? Maybe a promotion?

That may be part of it, but before that promotion comes, if we practice our Godly behavior on the job, not only will our work and career be blessed, but our Godly ways of handling conflict, treating people with respect and patience, and going the extra mile, will extend to those we love in our families and personal lives too; and a life like that blesses others and gives glory to God!

Practice your Godly walk while at work, and then make it who you are, as His Word works through you, today.

Phil 4:9 (ESV) – What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.

2Tim 2:15 (ESV) – Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.

James 1:22 (ESV) – But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.

Listening to the Holy Spirit:

Hold firm to what I call you to be. Many days you will not feel close or worthy of your calling; difficulty will discourage. In your place of work, find it a place of practice, practice of the virtues you are called to be known by. In the face of workplace trials, here let your light shine. Then, stepping out of your place of labor, into your life with those you are called to love, your strength and steadfastness will then be stronger for those you are to care for. The work of your life should not weaken your reflection of Me, but give it a place to build. Strengthened there, that you would be strong in your home.

For many, even those who bear My name, the workplace weakens, as they apply not My Word. Walk in My Word as you work, and the strength of My hand will extend to those you love through the doing.

His Word at Work

Connecting Sunday to Monday!


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