The work of God is not confined; it resides within you, but pours to all those around you. It is not contained either in wall nor city, for it follows and expands through others touched along the way. The work of your life is neither confined by your days or that of the earth, for as My works are eternal, so too your own – through Me. See your life as something greater, your work as something of greater value. I forget not one seed, not the smallest trigger of blessing to others, for you do not see what those seeds begin. You realize not the wonder of blessing even one smile or act of service begins. Work with diligence to bless, for what is begun in the effort, I will complete. As you plant, I will grow. You are sent today not only to work for wage, but to work the ground and plant the seeds of kindness and blessing that bear fruit tomorrow, and for eternity. It is the work of the saint, in all ages, to leave behind for the elevation of others. Lift them around you, and My right hand will uphold. Plant, that your harvest will be of plenty. 

Psalm 126:6 (ESV) – He who goes out weeping,  bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, bringing his sheaves with him.

Bottom Line: Work is not always fun, some may even dread it, but when we understand that it can have eternal value, we can turn our focus to planting seeds of the Kingdom while we work. Even if our work is not uplifting, the lifting of others will make it so, and that’s how His Word works through you.

His Word at Work

Connecting Sunday to Monday!