Taking It to Work:

Hello. The title for today’s workplace devotional is, “Higher Pay,” based out of Acts 3 and Matt 5.

We read in Acts 3 that a man who could not walk, asked Peter and James for money. When Peter acknowledged him, the scripture says that the man fixed his eyes on them . . . expecting to get what he asked for, but Peter gave him much more. And in the name of Jesus, the man crippled from birth, got his legs back; he received more than he asked for.

Most of us work with people each day, and often it is our job to give customers, coworkers, and our bosses, what they ask for. But we are reminded today, that we have an example in Peter to give more than what is asked for.

As Christ followers, we should be known for doing more than the minimum required. Going the extra mile suggested first by our Lord, should be a hallmark of walking and working with Him at our side. The extra effort, the smile, the “friendly farewell,” and the extra effort in trying to get to know those around you on a more personal level, these are the eternal works of our temporal workplace. Forming meaningful relationships, because we know our Lord would do the same if He were there.

We all have requirements to meet, deadlines to make, and we work hard for the paycheck and bonuses, but the relationships that can develop at work are something our salary can never buy. Be intentional about connecting in a personal way with those who God places around you. You are not with them by chance. And by going the extra mile, those efforts could result in life-changing influence, and possibly a lasting friendship that ends up being the far greater workplace bonus, as His Word works in you, today.

Acts 3:5 (ESV) –  And he fixed his attention on them, expecting to receive something from them.

Matt 5:41 (ESV) – And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles.

John 13:35 (ESV) – By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

Listening to the Holy Spirit (Rhema):

Much of the workday calls your attention to those you serve. Manager and customer alike demand the attention of your day. In the workplace you are paid for that attention, but there is far greater. As the crippled man begged for only money, far greater a blessing for him was the Father’s heart. Look for the greater reward in your workplace. Give greater attention, not for gain, but to see My hand giving you more than that which you earn. Open your eyes to the greater blessings that surround. Those who surround you are greater gifts, but you have not received fully that gift. Receive them as the greater, for relationships of the heart pay far greater than the wage. Reach your hand for these, and they will be filled with the lasting gifts of eternity.

His Word at Work

Connecting Sunday to Monday!


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