The new dawn arises, as My Spirit in the heart of those who believe and follow a new path, not of darkness, but of light, truth brought by the Lord of truth. My voice beacons now a new direction – abandonment of sin, and a surging forth of life in My Light. The life given to the child brings forth strength of the man. Redemption is life from death. A child of God begins, but in faith and courage he becomes the man of God. Eat now the Word of My truth. Abandon what is destruction to your soul. Begin again in the strength renewed. It is not the change of year that brings resolution, but that of the mind yielded to My Spirit, alive in obedience and power of the Lord of Hosts. Let your rebirth mature to pierce the stronghold of the enemy. The Child of God is not to stay a child. Follow as those who know not defeat, for the arm of the Lord is mighty, and those who bear My name have strength yet discovered. Let the Spirit arise like the dawn, and darkness will flee.
Luke 2:40 (NIV) – And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was on him.
Luke 2:46-47 (NIV) – After three days they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. Everyone who heard him was amazed at his understanding and his answers.
Bottom Line: We just celebrated the birth of our Lord Jesus as a babe in a manger. He did not stay a babe. The helpless baby of Bethlehem grew quickly into a young man who was seen favorably by men and the Father in heaven, and was already about His Father’s business. How about us? Many of our companies have laid out a budget for next year, along with goals and a plan to get there. Do we take as seriously the growth God expects? If you are a Christ-follower and have dedicated your life to Him, are you purposely seeking His Spirit to become the mature man or woman He is calling you to be? A great power is within us, His great Word at our fingertips, and a new year soon ahead. Make some God-sized goals, get ready to take action to build your faith, and build who you are in Christ. Don’t wait, your new start begins now!