Without sun the tree withers; that which was brought to be that it would bear fruit, will not bear. Even given all that is needed for life, without nourishment from above, its life will not give life. You are My own if you bask in My light. Given all that is needed to bear fruit, but you cannot bear alone. It is My Spirit which sustains, and through My life, you too will give life. Why do you reach for what cannot sustain, a false god that waters not the field, and gives not truth nor true light. False are the promises of the lifeless, who bear not breath nor give such. Do not be deceived; there is only One who provides that which no other can. Follow My Word that you would know My ways and know My voice, that My light would be contained in you. Hold not to the idols of superstition, but embrace the Truth whom speaks to you now. You shall pass as a barren tree without My light. Deep is the darkness of they who reject the Truth. My light bears life. I Am the Life, and am the Light to all men. The star shines that men would find Me, that the world would find life again.

John 1:4-5 (ESV) – In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

John 8:12 (ESV) – Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

Bottom Line: We put lights on the tree, lights on the house, and lights in the windows. The Christmas season is decorated in lights like no other. The wise men followed the light of a star, and when they bowed, they bowed to the Light of the world, foretold hundreds of years before that silent night came to be, that we would come out of darkness into that wonderful light. Christmas lights are beautiful, but nothing outshines the great love of God for us, sent in the form of an infant, that 2000 years later we would proclaim Him our Light, and our Lord. Take that conversation to your family, friends, and yes, even to those you work with. Christmas is the perfect time to shine His light!

His Word at Work

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