Listening to the Holy Spirit:

I give that you may give. You have been called by the Father that you would be saved, that you would serve those in need and want. My hand is about you that you would serve those I love. Your salvation is that you might again live and bring life. The greed of nations, and of he who does not believe, is of fear – afraid of the calamity, the way of destruction and destitution. In wealth comes false security. He who holds the note of the gold feels safe. The coins in the pocket make the sound of surety, but they do not truly bring any shelter. It is by My hand that My children are fed, and if the feeding is scarce, it is that the hunger will bring strength, not weakness or danger. Even death is no enemy, as My children see it not. Find your confidence in My hand, the work of My cross, the Word of My being, and My protection is upon you. The Father has given to Me, and I Am shepherd to My own. The sheep cannot protect themselves, and the wool of their growth bears little protection against their enemies. Your gold is poor protection. Do not honor it as such, for I Am a jealous God, and he who honors his wealth casts an idol.

1 Timothy 6:17 (ESV) – As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy.

Psalm 37:25 (NIV) – I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread.

Psalm 62:10b (ESV) –  …if riches increase, set not your heart on them.

Taking it to Work:

What makes you feel safe? It’s a loaded question isn’t it? We know, since its devotional time, that our answer should be a Biblically-based response focusing on our faith in God’s love and provision. Although, for most of us, if we are honest, our answer is counter-Biblical.

We feel secure when there is money in the bank, the 401K is growing, the economy’s doing good, and we feel insecure when there’s not enough money in the bank, our 401K is tanking, and the economy is heading south. Yet, the Bible is clear, warning us that we should not hope in the uncertainty of riches, or fear in the thought of losing them. Even if our riches are increasing, or decreasing, our heart should really not be affected, but it is.

Now this is very hard distinction for most North American Christians, who very often equate financial security with God’s provision. Why do we do that? Well, because many times, it’s true. We also are taught in the scriptures, that He owns the cattle on a thousand hills, and Psalm 37 says “…I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging for bread.” So, financially, we expect Him to make sure we have enough.

So, there is a hairline distinction, but a very important one in the eyes of eternity. One makes God our fortress, strength, hope and peace, and the other makes His provision our our fortress, strength, hope and peace. In other words, His very provision becomes our God.

How do you keep your head in the right place? A thankful heart is the key. You have to keep reminding yourself: It all comes from His hand. Your job, last week’s pay, the promotions, the house, the cars, they are all His love in caring for you, and even if He decides that the provision be diminished for a time, you have to find security in that His love and caring for you never will.

Up or down, pockets full or empty, your God is your fortress. Steady, firm and sure. Be thankful in that, as His Word works security in you, today.