He who walks toward My light sees not his shadow, nor does the Light, for the eyes of a repentant sinner glow with the same light in which he seeks. Repentance removes the stain, as I restore white to his garment, a garment given through love and blood. I rejoice in the turning moment, as the soul reawakens to the life promised in obedience to My ways. All of the heavens rejoice, that life is restored by the coming. Do not fear the light, for what lives in the darkness cannot bear in the light, and what is found in light, is the life to all men.  Respond to My call within. Turn from the dark place; you are not of the dark place. The shadow falls behind, and My eyes see only your own – forgiven, restored.

Luke 15:10 (ESV) – “Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”

Bottom Line: We should never fear a change for the good. Turning from a behavior that is not pleasing to God, asking forgiveness, and moving intentionally back toward Him is the continual call of the saved. What habits at your workplace could use purging? A bad attitude with a coworker? An air of haughtiness to those low on the org chart? A gruff demeanor that you know is not Christ-like? Whatever it is, turn away from it and leave it in the dark. He is faithful to forgive, and rejoices in doing so.

His Word at Work

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