The upward call is for all who call Me Lord, for both he who answers the call, and also he who he leads. As the movement of the stream draws with it those who enter, so too does the upward draw of the Father. As a rising uplift, those in your midst rise as well. As they, also others. Do not dismiss your journey as only your own. The motion of the saint is the movement of My hand for others. Pray for this rising, that the snare of sin would release, and the thankfulness of heart might rise new ways, righteous thought and clean lips. As you rise, others will be drawn. Follow upward, that the downcast soul would again rise, not alone, giving strength and direction to the next.

1 Tim 4:12 (ESV) – Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.

Bottom Line: You are being watched. If those around you know that you claim Jesus as Lord, they are watching. As God draws us to be the best we can be, it is easy to forget that our journey is not our own. Others move up (or down) with us. The workplace is the perfect training ground to become the better man or woman God desires. The better we become, the better we handle stress, the more patient we are with others, the more care we show to others, the more influence we have on those watching, so they may become better as well. Be an upward example.

His Word at Work

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