As a proud father of a good son, I rejoice in the righteousness of My children. By My blood you are covered, but by your obedience to My ways brings forth great pleasure. You are justified by My sacrifice given that you may live, but the sacrifice of a life of thanksgiving lifts all of Heaven. Giving to those I show you, lifting those in hurt, rejoicing with those who rejoice – in this My Spirit is present, and the Father ‘s heart also rejoices. In obedience you defeat your enemy. In obedience you bring My Kingdom. He who walks rightly, and leads his brother in holiness, walks with kings to come. Crowns of many come from the fruit of the righteous acts done by and for My Name and people. I forget not your great deeds among those I love, forgotten on earth, but eternal in the Kingdom that will have no end. Be encouraged through My joy, it is your strength unto holiness.

Neh 8:10 (ESV) – Then he said to them, “Go your way. Eat the fat and drink the sweet wine and send portions to anyone who has nothing ready, for this day is holy to our Lord. And do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

Bottom Line: As children of the one, true God, we have the incredible power to make our all-knowing, all-powerful, eternal Father smile. When we respond rightly in a situation, when we give sacrificially of ourselves, when we use the gifts He has given us for the good, He is pleased. We have opportunity to do this each day at work. In fact, the workplace may be one of the best places to practice doing the right thing, to practice obedience, to experience the strength we receive in giving joy to our Lord and Father. Make Him smile, and feel your strength renewed, a His Word does its mighty work in you.

His Word at Work

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