Taking It to Work:
So, what does a true Christ-follower look like? How would you know one if you were to meet one?
I have met many who claim Jesus as their Savior, but don’t seem to live a life that would convince me that He is their Lord. Many are involved in church, and can tell you how old they were when they prayed, “the prayer,” but to say that they were truly following, that would be a stretch. Sunday might look pretty good, but meet them in the work environment on Monday . . .
Now on the other hand, there are those who we meet where there is no question. We meet them, their families, the friends they hang out with, and we know. We still may see flaws and imperfections, but you know where their heart is, and you know they are more than saved; they are “sold out” as we say. Everything they have is the Lord’s, and they are truly trying to follow.
Now it’s true; we really don’t see everything, and there are those who surprise us on both sides. But Jesus said that we can judge a tree by its fruit, and for the most part, that’s pretty accurate.
Beware though, we are not the only fruit inspectors out there. I found out early in my walk that one of the chief areas where people were inspecting my fruit, was not at church, but in the workplace. I was actually surprised how I was watched, especially as a manager, by both non-believers and believers alike.
It actually changed my understanding of work, which started out just as a way of earning money and moving up in the world. It was replaced with my work becoming primarily a place to demonstrate on Monday what I claimed to believe on Sunday. It became a platform to show those around me what it means to be a Christ-follower in the real world. I sure didn’t do it perfectly, and I know there were times when I dropped the ball that were BIG disappointments to the Kingdom, but I don’t think those watching would have ever mistaken me for a non-believer . . . at least I hope not.
Where are you? Do those you work with know Who you follow? Can they tell, or are you only there for the paycheck or a sense of accomplishment? These are sobering questions, but they truly do help to reveal whether we are an independent animal going our own way, or sheep with a Shepherd, following closely, and bearing good fruit along the way (at work), as His Word works through us, today.
Matt 5:16 (ESV) – In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.
Matt 7:16 (ESV) – You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?
John 10:27 (ESV) – My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.
Luke 6:46 (ESV) – “Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you?
Listening to the Holy Spirit (Rhema):
My eyes see those who bear the blood of forgiveness. They have forgotten the call of the earth, and their mind bends heavenward. They serve no idols, and they give no homage to earthly pleasure. Striving always upward, by the call of My Spirit, they desire not to gratify the flesh of nature, but desire the mark of their Creator upon the book and memory of He who saved them from the earth. They reject the shrines of falseness and self, and call to My Name in the darkness of their troubles, and glorify My Name in tribulation and blessing. They walk steadfastly in the fruit of the Spirit sent upon them as they serve. Their eye is focused on the goal, and their heart fueled in thankfulness to the cross. And when they stumble and again are repulsed, it is I who lifts them to serve again. I know my sheep, and they too, Me.