Taking It to Work:

If you are a Christian, you likely remember the day you knelt before the Lord and promised to follow Him. It was heartfelt. It was likely very freeing, and it made a real difference.

He applied His suffering to your sin, sent the Holy Spirit to guide you, commanded His angels to protect you, and He has never left your side since. He did everything He said He would do. The question is: Did we?

We rejoice in His unending mercy, His grace, and His faithfulness toward us, but what did He ask us to do? What did we promise? It can be broken down in three overarching steps, given to us by Jesus, that I would say most Christians in our day don’t put enough time in doing; because they are actually hard in a way. Let’s start with the third one: FOLLOW ME.

Do we really do that, or do we tend to plan our day, our weeks, our endeavors, and then ask Him to bless where WE are leading? Maybe our following is not so good because of the second thing we don’t do well: LISTEN.

Jesus said His sheep hear His voice, and then they follow Him. Could it be that we don’t follow well because we don’t hear Him well?

And could that be because we don’t BELIEVE that we can hear Him personally? Believing was the first step, right? That was the work of God the Father in drawing us in. That we would believe Jesus to be our PERSONAL savior, and Lord, who will guide us the rest of our days.

God the Son made it a point to meet with God the Father. The Lord said He, even He, likely because of the human condition that He took on, did nothing on His own, but only what He was shown to do by His Father. In so, He, the King of Kings, laid down a mighty example of how even the Greatest was still called to follow; a following that we promised to Him as Lord of our life.

The world’s voice seems louder though. It clamors and demands our attention. If we were not followers of Jesus, it would be okay to give every minute to meeting life’s demands. But we are His self-proclaimed followers, and although we still need to meet the demands of the day, we are reminded that He has great purposes and work planned for our being here, and expects us to consult with Him before we begin our day; as He made example. He wants our days, and our years, morning by morning, to be led by Him. This is what sets us apart, and in the end, should makes the fruit of our life very different.

Bend your ear to his soft voice in the morning, and believe He will speak. If what you hear lines up with Scripture (very important), then follow Him into your workplace to see the difference it brings, as His Word works in you today.

Great inspiring video by Buck Jacobs on starting your day off right – Your Most Important Hour

Ps 91:1 (ESV) – For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.

John 6:29 (ESV) – Jesus answered them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent.”

John 14:1 (ESV) – Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me.

Luke 15:5 (ESV) – Jesus often withdrew to quiet places to pray.

John 10:27 (ESV) – My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.

Matt 16:24 (ESV) – Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.

Listening to the Holy Spirit (Rhema):

The response of My sheep is to follow. My voice calls to lead, but many do not hear. Called louder by desires, occupation and leisure, My direction is missed. Blessings beyond, unknown to some who claim following, but they know only the following of self or others. For these, even in the night, rest is not as it should be. Thoughts of the day soon encompass, and do not release until weariness again becomes master. My sheep hear My voice, and do not follow another. Many are the distractions, but My voice is heard above. This is the life to which you are called – a life of greater fruit, borne only of the vine, and of the leading of the Great Shepherd. With the new day, first come to the quiet place with My Word in hand and heart, seek first My leading. Call out to Me, and I will hear your call. Then you shall lift your head, that you may follow My steps before you. I lead each day, anew each morning. What is behind is not where I lead. My way is neither your way, nor the way of the world. It is of the Father, who brings you from death to life. I lead that you may know your way. Come, follow Me.

His Word at Work

Connecting Sunday to Monday!


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